Support Us

If you appreciate the information on this website and wish to contribute to keeping it running, please consider donating. Donations cover expenses like domain, web hosting, and content development tools, allowing us more time to enhance this free, ad-free website.

For the simplest way to donate, click to donate with PayPal, which also accepts major credit and debit cards.

Donating with PayPal incurs a small fee. If you would rather ensure your full contribution goes to support us, please consider following the steps below to donate without this fee.

One-Time Donation:

  1. Open your online or mobile bank.
  2. Select “Payment” or “Transfer”.
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Account Number: NO8912279874070.
    • Amount: Choose your desired donation amount.
    • Message to Recipient: (Optional).
  4. Complete the transfer by following your bank’s instructions.

Recurring Donation:

If you would like to make a recurring monthly contribution, you can set up an automatic payment or standing order. Here’s how:

  1. Open your online or mobile bank.
  2. Select “Payments” or “Automatic Payments”.
  3. Create a new standing order or recurring payment.
  4. Enter the following details:
    • Recipient’s Account Number: NO8912279874070.
    • Amount: Choose your desired monthly donation amount.
    • Payment Date: Select the date of the month the payment should be made.
    • Message to Recipient: (Optional).
  5. Complete the setup by following your bank’s instructions.

We greatly appreciate your contribution. Thank you very much for your generosity.

Important Information:

  • Bank: DNB Bank ASA.
  • Account Number: NO8912279874070.
  • IBAN (for international payments): NO8912279874070.
  • Bank address: DNB Bank ASA, P.O. Box 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the donation, please contact us at