The “Star of David,” also known as the Magen David (Shield of David), is a hexagram or six-pointed star formed by two interlocking triangles. It is a prominent symbol of Judaism and the Jewish people.
The term “Star of David” is derived from the Hebrew “Magen David,” which means “Shield of David.” The exact origin of the term is unclear, but it became widely associated with the symbol in Jewish tradition.
The use of the hexagram in Jewish contexts can be traced back to medieval Jewish communities in Europe. It was officially adopted as the emblem of the Zionist movement in 1897 and later incorporated into the national flag of Israel in 1948.
The Star of David is often depicted in blue and white, but can be found in various colors and styles.
Under Nazi rule in Germany in 1941, Jews were required to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing as an identification symbol under the law Verordnung über die Kennzeichnung der Juden (Regulation on the Marking of Jews) to distinguish Jews from the rest of the population.
The red Star of David is used as a symbol for Magen David Adom, which is Israel’s official emergency medical service organization. Magen David Adom is recognized as a national aid society and is a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. However, it took until 2006 for the organization to gain full membership, partly because of issues surrounding the use of the Star of David emblem. The movement traditionally used the Red Cross or Red Crescent, and MDA was admitted under the compromise of the red crystal emblem, within which the red Star of David can be displayed.
The Star of David symbolizes Jewish identity, heritage, and religious tradition. It is often associated with divine protection, as suggested by the term “shield.” The interlocking triangles are interpreted in various ways, including representing the relationship between God and humanity, the intertwining of the spiritual and physical worlds, and the unity of the Jewish people.
The star also has 12 sides, symbolizing the 12 tribes of Israel that were united by David.
The Star of David is a monogram of David. The Hebrew script does not use vowels, so David was written as DVD. And the letter D (dalet) in ancient Hebrew is an equilateral triangle.
The Star of David is part of the Israeli flag, between two horisontal lines which is the equal sign.
A triangle is a hierarchical symbol for language. The triangle pointing up symbolizes the language known as exoteric language, while the triangle pointing down symbolizes the language known as esoteric language. The interlocking of these triangles means that both languages exist within one language. This is also the symbolism of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Star of David is the same symbol as the Seal of Solomon.
The Star of David is not explicitly mentioned in the Torah or other Jewish religious texts but has become a widely recognized symbol of Judaism over the centuries.